Lets Get Started


I am excited for you to join us as a preferred customer or a brand partner.

Below is more information to help you choose which pathway is best for you.

I Looking forward to you reaching your goals!

Join My Team

Benefits of being a Customer
•Wholesale Pricing with monthly subscription order in place
•No Long-Term Commitment
•Earn Loyalty Rewards
•Money Back Guarantee

Choose your Preferred Customer Package Below

Benefits of being a Brand Partner
•Buy at wholesale always
•4 ways to Earn generous weekly bonuses
•Money Back Guarantee
•Monthly subscription encouraged but not required

Click below to Join as a Brand Partner

Join Our Team As A Preferred Customer

Option 1: X39 at the $99.95 wholesale price on subscription

X39 Preferred Customer Wholesale Pricing on Monthly Subscription

Option 2: Performance Bundle X39 & X49 at the $179.95 wholesale price on subscription

Performance Bundle X39/X49  Preferred Customer on monthly subscription

Option 3: X39/Aeon Inflammation and stress bundle at the $169.90 wholesale price on subscription

X39/Aeon Inflammation and stress bundle on monthly subscription

Join Our Team as a Brand Partner

Brand Partner Getting Started Enrollment Options

1. Core $295 ~ Includes 3 sleeve* of X39, plus $25 Annual Membership

2. Advanced $535 ~ Includes: 6 sleeves* of X39 , plus $25 Annual Membership included

3. Premium $1750 ~ Includes 20 sleeves* of X39, sales materials, plus $25 Annual.

(* 2 sleeves of any other product can be substituted for one sleeve of X39)

4 Reasons To Always Have Extra X39 Patches On Hand

  1. Products to USE for you, family and friends
  2. Products to SELL locally to Retail Customers, and Wholesale to Distributors
  3. Product to LOAN to new Customers & Distributors while waiting for their order to arrive
  4. Product to SAMPLE…give the X39 Gift of Good Health